Frequently Asked Questions

Auto insurance

In the event of a vehicle accident where a third party is at fault, you can contact Allianz-Tiriac to repair your vehicle. Allianz-Tiriac is known for its fast and efficient claim settlement.
Guaranteed Asset Protection applies to new vehicles, insured from first year at Allianz-Tiriac and is available on the second year of insurance.

Contractual warranty

We are fully convinced that a bond issued by Allianz-Tiriac provides sufficient protection for the Beneficiary and ensures compliance with the commercial principles from the point of view of both the Beneficiary and the Contractor, guaranteeing payment to the Beneficiary of the amounts the Beneficiary is entitled to collect - according to the conditions of the contract - as a result of the Contractor’s non-compliance with the obligations assumed under the Contract. 

The Contract Bond insurance is based on the provisions of the works contract or service agreement which imposes the obligation of the Supplier/ Contractor to set up in favour of the Beneficiary/ Principal various types of guarantees aiming at returning the advance, or at the contract performance, or at remediation of defects during the post-execution period, or at deductions from invoices on account of the performance or warranty bonds.

Allianz – Tiriac monitors the obligations you have assumed in the relationship with the contract beneficiary and pays on your behalf the compensation to the Beneficiary, when your company fails to perform or improperly performs the contractual obligations incumbent on you.

Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari issues contract bonds of the same type as those issued internationally under the name of bonds (Surety Bonds), namely conditional guarantees, enforceable in case of fault of the guaranteed company

The bonds are issued in the form of contracts concluded between three parties (Insurer, Insured and Beneficiary), called Guarantee Clauses, and are based on:

  • Uniform Rules for Contract Bonds - Publication 524 issued by the Paris International Chamber of Commerce
  • Uniform rules practiced within the Allianz Group.

In order to prepare a bond offer, our experts will assess both the economic and financial situation of the applicant company, as well as the technical and commercial skills, the previous work experience and the works in progress. The management and control systems will also be assessed and sometimes, a meeting may be requested.

For a company at its first bond request the information provided in the Proposal form for the bond limit and the Request for quote form (templates that can be downloaded on this site) will provide an overview of the company’s profile, area of activity, contact details.

All information supplied shall be treated as strictly confidential.

As a bond limit is similar to a line of credit, it is absolutely necessary to assess the financial situation of the applicant company. The need to have a clear and complete picture of the business that the applicant conducts is the reason for resorting to a full analysis of its finances.

This analysis allows for the evaluation of the company's financial performance and provides a degree of certainty regarding the business continuity based on profitability criteria and its whole potential.

As a general rule, once a bond is issued, it can only be cancelled with the consent of the Beneficiary. As well, changes on the insured amount or validity are performed with the written consent of the Beneficiary.

In case of loss

Frequently asked questions about settling an insured vehicle event.

The occurrence of an event insured under a Motor Own Damage policy by Allianz-Tiriac must be reported to the Claim Center:

  • Within 24 hours at the most from noticing the theft of the vehicle
  • Within 3 business days at the most in case of other risks except for bodily injuries
  • Within 15 business days at the most in case of an accident resulting in bodily injuries.

If the car cannot move by its own means, you must call the Roadside Assistance Services (021 312 22 39 or [email protected]).

If you have a Motor Own Damage insurance placed with Allianz-Tiriac including  the roadside assistance option, you will benefit from the following services up to the limit of the amounts provided in the insurance contract:

  • Technical assistance at the address where the vehicle is immobilized
  • Towing of the defective or damaged vehicle
  • Transport of the driver and passengers, accommodation of the driver and passengers at the hotel, transportation of the driver and passengers by taxi, or temporary replacement of the vehicle, depending on the specific details
  • Repatriation of the vehicle if the immobilization occurred abroad.

The Accident Statement is an optional procedure providing the vehicle drivers with the option to fill in and subsequently submit to the insurance companies a standard form: the Accident Statement, without being required to use the assessment services performed by the Traffic Police representatives.

You may choose the Accident Statement in the following cases:

  • The accident did not result in bodily injuries (victims)
  • There are no other damages than those caused to vehicles
  • Only two vehicles were involved
  • Both drivers involved in the event own MTPL insurance policies valid on the date of the event.

You can resort to the Accident Statement irrespective of the place of the accident: public roads, roads closed to public traffic, various premises etc.

The form must be submitted to the insurance company where you have concluded the MTPL insurance (if you have Direct Settlement) or to the company where the driver at fault for the accident has concluded the MTPL insurance (if you wish to be compensated based on his MTPL insurance).

Repairs can be performed in Allianz-Tiriac partner repair shops, in other repair shops in Romania or under your own management.

  • For the Allianz-Tiriac partner repair shops, after the repair is completed - the claim file will be settled between Allianz-Tiriac and the repair shop
  • For a repair shop of your choosing that is not an Allianz-Tiriac partner – you will pay the value of the repair and subsequently the amount will be reimbursed by Allianz-Tiriac
  • Under your own management Allianz-Tiriac will assess the expenses incurred for the repair and will reimburse up to the insured amount provided in the insurance contract the cost of the repair, the cost of replacing the parts or the vehicle.

To notify an event on the Motor Own Damage insurance:

  • Registration certificate / temporary registration certificate if the vehicle doesn’t have final registration
  • Driving license if the event took place while the vehicle was being driven
  • Identity card of the person who notifies the loss
  • Notarized power of attorney from the vehicle owner (natural person) / power of attorney from the vehicle owner (legal entity)
  • Accident Statement / Documents issued by the authorities (report, repair authorization, annex 2, firefighters’ certificate etc.)
  • A copy of the MTPL insurance of the other vehicle involved in the accident for events where the MOD insured is not at fault (recourse file)
  • Transportation documents (if any).

To notify an event on the MTPL insurance:

  • Registration certificate / temporary registration certificate if the vehicle doesn’t have final registration
  • Driving license, if the event took place while the vehicle was being driven
  • Identity card of the person who notifies the loss
  • Notarized power of attorney from the vehicle owner (natural person) / power of attorney from the vehicle owner (legal entity)
  • Accident Statement / Documents issued by the authorities (report, repair authorization, annex 2, firefighters’ certificate etc.)
  • A copy of the MTPL insurance of the individual at fault for the event occurrence and a copy of his/her identity card
  • A copy of the vehicle's identity card
  • Transportation documents (if any).

In case of loss

Frequently asked questions about settling an insured home event.

The occurrence of an event covered under the Allianz-Tiriac non-compulsory home insurance policy must be reported to the Claim Center:

  • Within 24 hours at the most from when the theft is found out
  • Within 5 business days at the most, from when you took note of the loss occurrence, other than theft.

In case of a loss occurrence, take the necessary measures to limit the extent of the damage.

You must also keep the items affected, so that the representatives of the authorities and of Allianz-Tiriac can make the necessary assessments.

If you have concluded a compulsory home insurance supplied by Allianz-Tiriac, you receive the same quality services in terms of loss assessment and claim settlement - our experts will assess the damage and will prepare the claim file, subsequently the due compensations will be paid by PAID according to the legislation in force.

In case of theft or vandalism of property:

If you are the victim of theft or vandalism of household contents you must take the necessary measures to preserve the traces, you have to notify the Police by calling the unique emergency number 112 and to draw a list of the missing or destroyed items to present to the Police and Allianz-Tiriac.

In case of fire:

  • In the event of a fire, you must turn off the gas and power supply of the household. Then you must announce the Fire Department or the Police by calling the unique emergency number 112.
  • Try to extinguish the fire with your own means only if it does not endanger your life.

In case of natural disasters:

In case of a natural disaster - flood, flash-flood or alluvia, landslide or earthquake - you must notify the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations by calling the unique emergency number 112 or by contacting the City Hall or Local Council.

To settle the claim file, you need:

  • A copy of the identity card
  • A copy of the insurance policy
  • A copy of the document proving ownership of the insured property
  • Power of attorney for the person who notifies the loss and takes part in the loss assessment
  • Outline or plan of the damaged dwelling
  • Copies of the documents issued by the authorities, the certificate provided by the Homeowners’ Association and the witness statements
  • Estimates or contracts for repairs, respectively technical inspection reports or invoice for repairs of household contents. 

In case of loss

Frequent questions regarding settlement of an event on the life insurance.

By online or mail notification you may:

  • Notify a medical event (illness, accident) or a death
  • Request the partial or total redemption value
  • Request the maturity value of the contract.


You have 3 options to notify online a life insurance event:

  • Directly in the Allianz-Tiriac mobile app as Visitor, in the Life and Health Insurance section, the Notify Claim option
  • Directly in the Allianz-Tiriac mobile app as an authenticated user, in the Life and Health Insurance section, the Notify Claim option
  • On, the Life claims page

If you notify an event in the Allianz-Tiriac branches, the following required documents are to be sent by mail to the address: Str. Grigore Alexandrescu 74 - Life Claims Department:

  • ·Claim Indemnity Payment Form
  • Type 1 or type 2 Claim Questionnaire (Questionnaire 1 – Accident or disease claim and Questionnaire 2 – Death claim)
  • Medical documents and copy of the insured’s identity card
  • Bank account statement.

The filling in of the notification forms is made by the insured person, the beneficiary or the legal representative and signing the forms is mandatory.

For the insureds that choose to notify the event online, depending on the type of event, original documents will be required only at the express request of an Allianz-Tiriac representative.

In  case of loss

Frequent questions regarding the settlement of an event under the health insurance.

When you access the medical services in the preferred medical providers network you don’t have anything to pay. Allianz-Tiriac will settle directly with the medical provider the medical services you accessed and are included under the insurance.

  • You arrive at the chosen medical clinic with your identity document, and for children under 14 with the birth certificate.
  • Verify the data filled in by the physician and sign the Event Report after the medical service was provided
  • Wait for confirmation of coverage regarding the medical service from the customer relations operator of the chosen clinic.

If the doctor recommends additional examinations or investigations, you are required to obtain a written recommendation from the doctor containing the following: your first and last name, CNP (Personal Identification Code) / date of birth, presumptive / final diagnosis, recommended medical services, date of issue, the doctor’s signature and stamp.

If you have questions regarding your insurance, please contact the Health Insurance Assistance Service at 021 2019 100 (key 2). 


Accessing medical services outside the network involves paying the costs of these services and subsequently recovering the expenses by notifying a reimbursement file. Allianz-Tiriac will reimburse your costs according to the contract conditions within 30 calendar days from the date of submission of the last requested document.

When you visit the doctor, you must have with you the Medical Event Report.

The medical services included in the Pregnancy Package will be performed only in the Allianz-Tiriac preferred medical providers network.

To access the medical services included in the Pregnancy Package, please go through the following steps:

  1. Consult the Table of Benefits attached to your insurance contract to find out about the covered services
  2. Access the covered services according to your pregnancy trimester:
  • 1st Trimester - weeks 1 - 12
  • 2nd Trimester - weeks 13-27
  • 3rd Trimester - week 28 – birth.

IMPORTANT! Medical services included in the Pregnancy package may be accessed in any partner medical clinic based on the agreement of the Health Insurance Assistance Service, obtained by the Allianz-Tiriac medical provider at your arrival for consultation.

To access the medical services included in the Preventive Package, please go through the following steps:

  • Directly contact one of the medical providers in the network of medical clinics for the preventive package and specify you are insured with Allianz-Tiriac and you want an appointment for the medical services included in the Preventive Package
  • Present the following documents at the reception of the medical clinic: identity document and Accessing the Preventive Package Medical Services Form. You may request a duplicate of the form at [email protected]
  • After performing the medical services check the data entered in the form and sign it.

The medical services included in the Preventive Package will be accessed in full, once per year of insurance and only with the chosen medical provider. Allianz-Tiriac only covers the cost of medical investigations performed and included in the Accessing the Preventive Package Medical Services Form.

Any other additional medical services requested by the insured or recommended by the doctor, will be covered only based on the agreement of the Health Insurance Assistance Service - 021 2019 100 (key 2) and in accordance with the conditions of the insurance contract.

IMPORTANT! We recommend performing the medical consultation included in the Preventive Package only after obtaining the results of the laboratory tests and clinical investigation. The consultation will be carried out within 15 days at the most from the date when the laboratory tests were performed.

To reimburse costs you must provide the following documents:

  • Medical Event Report with the doctor's signature and stamp. This form must include the doctor's diagnosis, your symptoms and medical history
  • The Claim form
  • Copy of the identity document
  • The fiscal receipts and invoices attesting to the payment of the healthcare services (in original)
  • Medical documentation in support of the diagnosis, the medical services you have paid and for which fiscal documents were issued. These must include details on the treatment and investigations performed as well as the date when they were performed (in original).
  • Hospital discharge form (in original) – only valid for the Inpatient Care Plan

You may submit the documents:

  • Accessing the online notification form on the website or in the Allianz-Tiriac mobile app.
  • In physical format, at the Allianz-Tiriac headquarters in Str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr. 74, Sector 1, Bucuresti, to the attention of the Health Claims Department 

You have 3 options to open a reimbursement file online:

  • Directly in the Allianz-Tiriac mobile app as Visitor, in the Life and Health Insurance section, the Notify Claim option.
  • Directly in the Allianz-Tiriac mobile app as authenticated user in the Life and Health Insurance section, the Notify Claim option.
  • On www.allianztiriac.roHealth Claims section

In case of loss

Frequently asked questions about settling an event under the travel insurance.

Option 1:

In the event of an accident or illness, the insured person or a representative thereof must notify the Allianz-Tiriac partner, Mondial Assistance, of the medical emergency and follow the instructions given.

Mondial Assistance contact data:

  • 021 312 22 39
  • +43 15 250353 (Austria)

Option 2:

If you have not notified the event according to the information under option 1, you can directly notify Allianz-Tiriac, within a maximum of 5 business days from returning to the country. 

Additional Cancellation clause:

The events related to the Additional Cancellation Clause are notified by email: [email protected].

To notify the claim, the following documents are required:

  • Statement of the insured person regarding the event occurred and the amount of medical expenses incurred
  • Insurance policy number of the
  • Copy of the identity card
  • Proof of leaving Romania (plane, train or bus ticket and invoice / receipt related to its purchase; vignette or toll and invoice / receipt related to its purchase; copy of the passport, including travel visas or stamps of entry into the destination country and into transit countries, if the insured person travelled to countries which are not members of the European Union)
  • Medical documents certifying the diagnosis and the prescribed treatment
  • Invoices and receipts proving medical or repatriation expenses incurred; for pharmaceutical products, a copy the prescription issued by the attending physician and the fiscal receipt issued by the pharmacy are also required
  • Invoices and medical documents containing the number of treated teeth and the treatment applied
  • The death certificate, the documents certifying the cause and place of death, as well as the fiscal documents proving the repatriation expenses of the mortal remains
  • Any other documents relevant to the settlement of the claim.

Contact us between Monday -Friday, 08:00 -20:00