• Extended financial protection  for you and your family (husband/wife, minor children,other persons for whom you are legally responsible)
  • Coverage of the medical expenses for the harmed person, the decease expenses or the maintenance pensions for the heirs, in case of bodily injury
  • Coverage of the expenses for assets repair or replacement, in case of material damages
  • Coverage of the court expenses, if the courts have been appealed to settle the claim.

A fast and simple claim process

File the claim online of by phone
Flexibility in adding extra details after claim notification
Claim compensation

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)

Principalele excluderi sunt:

  • Prejudicii solicitate de asigurat referitoare la propriile sale vatamari corporale suferite sau la pagube produse la propriile bunuri
  • Prejudicii care nu sunt in legătura directa cu vatamarea corporala sau cu pagubele aduse bunurilor/ pierderi financiare pure
  • Prejudicii decurgand dintr-o alta polita de raspundere specifica (de exemplu: raspundere  civila auto)
  • Prejudicii referitoare la repararea prejudiciului moral/ daune morale
  • Pretentiile referitoare la acoperirea amenzilor de orice fel.
The compensation sum can't exceed the value mentioned  in the "event limit amount" written on the policy. The agreed sum is for the entire insured period and it represents the total amount of the Allianz-Tiriac liability.
In case of a claim, notify Allianz-Tiriac when the insured event occured and follow the steps mentioned in the terms and condition document.
In Download Center you can find all necessary documents.

Do you look for certain documents
and forms? 

In Download Center you can find all the useful documentation.