Data protection
Privacy policy
Notification on the processing of personal data
Allianz Privacy Standard (APS)
Cookie policy
Privacy policy
Notification on the processing of personal data
For providing insurance services, Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari S.A. collects and processes personal data, in accordance with the legal provisions in force with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
The role of this notification is to explain the way in which your personal data is used and the purpose for which it is used. Please read carefully this
Allianz Privacy Standard (APS)
"The Allianz Privacy Standard (APS) provides you with information on the rules governing the international transfer of personal data between Allianz Group companies operating in the European Economic Area (EEA) and Allianz Group companies outside that area. The Allianz Privacy Standard also describes your rights in respect of such transfers, what to do if you want to exercise your rights or complain about such transfers, and how to contact us. ”
Read more here.
Cookie policy
This site uses cookies. They help us manage and improve your ability to use the site, for example, by detecting any links between our site and your device in the past (by IP address) and identifying the most popular sections of the Allianz -Tiriac Asigurari site.
Read more information here.
Legislative framework
Alternative dispute resolution
Risk management system
Complaints policy
Recommendation for foreign intermediaries
Legislative regulations
Useful links and financial reports
Alternative dispute resolution
In order to resolve a dispute with Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari SA as an insurer, you have the possibility to address the Alternative Dispute Resolution entity (hereinafter referred to as SAL-FIN). This structure was created within the Financial Supervisory Authority (hereinafter referred to as FSA), according to FSA Regulation no. 4/2016, in order to allow consumers to resort free of charge to an alternative dispute resolution mechanism in the non-banking financial field.
SAL-Fin's mission is to organize the out-of-court settlement of non-bank financial disputes, domestic or cross-border, in terms of consumption. SAL-FIN conciliators in the non-banking financial field with experience in mediation, negotiation or arbitration may propose or impose a variant of resolving the dispute in a balanced, impartial manner, within a reasonable time and without costs for consumers.
In order to resolve a dispute with a professional / trader by applying the SAL procedure, the consumer must express this option voluntarily and address SAL-Fin in writing, directly at the SAL-Fin headquarters in Splaiul Independentei no. 15, sector 5, postal code 050092, Bucharest, by mail to the same address or by electronic means of communication to the e-mail address [email protected] and to the fax numbers 021.659.60.51 or 021.659.64.36.
Complete information about the procedure regarding the alternative settlement of disputes, the activity carried out by the SAL-FIN entity, as well as the regulation regarding the organization and functioning of the SAL-FIN entity, can be obtained at the internet address:
Risk management system
The main characteristics of the system regarding the administration / management of / based on the risks based on the procedures and strategies provided in art. 41.
Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari S.A. is committed to identify, monitor and manage consistently, proactively and effectively the risks to which the company is exposed in the context of business development and achievement of objectives, so that risk-taking is done responsibly and informed.
Read more here.
Complaints policy
The Allianz-Tiriac team is constantly concerned about your satisfaction with the services and products they offer you. Your experience is very important and, by sharing it with us, you contribute to the identification of services to be improved.
Each complaint helps us to have a different approach, so that your experience with Allianz-Tiriac is better..
Steps in managing your message:
- we will take over the message sent as soon as possible
- upon receipt of the message by e-mail, you will receive an automatic acknowledgment of receipt
- we will make every effort to respond within 5 working days
- in case the settlement of your complaint requires several investigations and we cannot honor it within 5 working days, we will inform you regarding the escalation of the submitted request
- in case of complex complaints, which involve an extended term of resolution, every 10 working days we will inform you on the stage in which your complaint is.
You can contact us by:
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Fax: 021.208 22 11
- Mail: Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari S.A., Str. Buzesti 82-94, Sector 1, Bucharest, postal code 010616
- Infoline: 021.20 19 100, Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00
Please send us your contact details and your preferred method of communication so that we can answer you as soon as possible. If you are not satisfied with our answer, you can contact the Financial Supervisory Authority. Address: Splaiul Independentei no. 15, sector 5, postal code 050092, Bucharest Telephone: 021.316 78 80/81, 021.316 85 87 (interior 141).
Recommendation for foreign intermediaries
Intermediaries located in EU member states who wish to carry out mediation activities in Romania based on freedom of services (FOS), shall notify the Romanian supervising authority via the qualified authority from the member state of origin.
Insurance intermediaries located in an EU member state should comply with the Romanian legislation and for that reason the activities carried out by them should respect the provisions of the Law no. 236/2018 and Norm 19/2018 issued by FSA.
Feel free to contact us should you need further information: [email protected]
Legislative regulations
The information provided and the services described in this site are valid only for Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari S.A. and are its exclusive property.
Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari also owns all intellectual property rights (including database rights) in respect of trademarks, service marks, logos and all other materials presented on this site.
It is forbidden to reproduce, distribute or publish in any form the content of the materials presented on this site, by any person, without the prior written consent of Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari SA.
None of the materials presented on this site constitute a firm offer to contract, even more so they do not constitute an offer for sale-purchase of any insurance service.
Any attempt, of any nature, to modify the image and information of this site, except its legal owner - Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari S.A., gives the unilateral and unequivocal right that Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari S.A. to exercise the right to address the courts legally competent to sanction such an act.
Useful links and financial reports