Why to choose insurance
for construction assembly?

Discover main coverage

Covers material damage to insured property caused by an unwanted event

Covers the damages for which the insured is liable before the law towards third parties

Extending the basic coverage by purchasing additional clauses
A suitable insurancefor your business

The progress of a business requires financial stability and the guarantee that investments remain safe, regardless of the factors that may influence negatively

In order to protect yourself in such unpleasant situations, it is good to be insured

The insurance for assembling construction helps you to continue the business
Want to notify a claim?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Material damage covers:
Legal civil liability towards third parties: covers the legal civil liability of the constructor for damages brought to third parties in the form of material damages and bodily injuries, occurred during the execution of the works.
From insured person perspective, can be the following person implicated in the construction-assembly works:
The insurance period represents the period of execution of the works to which the guarantee period can be added.

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