If you represent a company that performs domestic or international transport of goods by vehicle, you are responsible for the integrity of the goods transported

Why to choose carrier liability insurance?

Discover carrier liability insurance
main coverage

Protection in case of damage or theft of goods,
on each of the 2 packages

Risk coverage produced between the moment of receiving the transported goods and its delivery

Extension of basic insurance through the acquisition of additional clauses
A suitable insurance for your business

Road transport involves many risks, such as loss, damage to transported goods

The liability insurance of the carrier offers you safety in case of an unpleasant event
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Standard package coverage:
Optim package coverage:
Road transport operations performed between two embussing-landing points located on the territory of a country, by a foreign road transport operator.

Do you look for certain documents
and forms?

In Download Center you can find all the useful documentation.